Scenarios meeting after the summer in the dhow. Meeting of preschool pupils after summer holidays “We have become a little more mature”

Final summer fun for the senior group of kindergarten

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Golden Fish" of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district.

This event will be useful for educators, music directors, when conducting summer leisure and entertainment with older children.
Target: Generalization of ideas about summer.
Create a positive emotional mood.
Increase children's interest in the summer season.
Foster friendships between children.

Progress of entertainment:

The cheerful music of the song “Ah, summer” sounds, children dance with balloons.
In kindergarten today
Hustle and bustle
All the guys dressed up -
Simply beautiful!
Hello guys. Are you having fun now?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Then we begin our merry holiday. And it will be dedicated to saying goodbye to summer. How did you have fun in the summer?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Tell me, how did you relax in the summer?
Children talk.
1st child.
Summer is a vacation
Summer is happiness.
We relax in the summer
And we have a great time.

2nd child.
Summer has come - a holiday for children,
You can shop to your heart's content,
And lie in the sun.
Make it out of paper -
Small boat.
3rd child.
Let it ride on the waves,
And make your dream come true.
Race with friends
By bike.
4th child.
Jump rope
And you can lie in a hammock.
Swing on a swing
And talk to my friend.
Take the doll Masha for a ride,
Pick dandelions.
Educator: I agree with you, you had a fun and funny summer. Well done! Cool!
And today we will have an extraordinary day! Today we will say goodbye to this remarkable time of year. But we won’t be sad, but spend the summer with fun games and jokes.
The song is sung: “Summer, summer, what color are you.”
Summer comes out to music (adult).
Summer: Hello, friends! Hello girls and boys! What a wonderful song it sounded. Well done. What is this song about? I see you are ready to guess who I am?
I'll tell you a riddle:
The meadows are turning green,
There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.
The lake is warmed by the sun:
Everyone is invited to swim...
Summer: That's right, you guessed the riddle. And I want to ask you: did you have fun in the summer?
Children: Yes!
Summer: What did you like most about summer?
Children tell where they were in the summer, what they did.
-oh how great! Would you like to go on an exciting journey with me today?
Children: Yes!

Summer: Let’s all stand behind me (Go to the sports ground). And here we will warm up a little.

Warm up:

Let's jump and gallop!
One two three four five!
Let's jump and gallop! (Jumping in place.)
Right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.)
One two Three.
Left side bent.
One two Three.
Now let’s raise our hands (Hands up.)
And we will reach the cloud.
Let's sit on the path, (Sit down on the floor.)
Let's stretch our legs.
Bend your right leg (Bend your legs at the knee.)
One two Three!
Let's bend the left leg,
One two Three.
Legs raised high (Legs raised up.)
And they held it for a while.
They shook their heads (Head movements.)
And everyone stood up together. (Stand up.)
Summer: So we warmed up. Well done! You have become strong and healthy this summer. Did you learn poems about summer? Tell us.

1- Child.
What is summer?
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are thousands of miracles
There are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights
There are a hundred roads in the world
For baby feet.
2nd child
Summer has arrived -
The strawberries turned red;
Turns sideways to the sun -
Everything will be filled with scarlet juice.
There is a red carnation in the field,
Red clover... Look at this:
And wild rose hips in summer
All covered in red...
Apparently people are not in vain
They call summer red!

The song is performed: “Golden Sun”.

Summer: Over the summer, you all grew up and got tanned in the sun. Well done!
Summer: Did you play round dance games? I want to see your games.

A round dance game is being played: “Cap”

words: cap, cap
thin legs,
red boots
we fed you
we gave you something to drink
got them on their feet
forced to dance.
Movement: Children stand in a circle. choose one of the children, he will be the cap. Children walk in a circle and say sentences according to the text. When the words “we fed you, we gave you water” are said, the circle narrows, then again the children disperse back to form a large circle and clap their hands. A child standing in a circle dances. Then the game continues.
Summer: We have a lot of flowers at this time of year, have you made wreaths from them?
Children: Yes!
Dance of girls in wreaths of flowers.
Summer: Oh guys, it seems to me that something is missing around me today (they look around). Exactly, I don’t see my bright, burning sun anywhere.. Haven’t you seen it? where did it go?
The witch enters (adult)
Witch: Well, I committed another dirty trick today, I stole the sun from them! (Rubs hands) Ha ha ha. (Turns to the children)
It seems that this is where I ended up.
Summer: Where does this go?
Witch: Where I need to go, I’ll do it half and half. What kind of joy and fun do you have here?
Summer: Today we celebrate farewell to summer. Our children have grown up over the summer and are tanned in the sun.
Witch: Are these these little kids - little ones, big ones? Oh, they made me laugh! (laughs)
Summer: Wait, laugh witch, to find out if our guys have really matured, we need to check them.
Witch: Check? Yes please. Can your children dance?
Summer: And how!

The dance is performed: "Hello summer."

Witch: And I want to play with you. Can you guys?
Children:D A!

The game is played: “Fishermen and Fishes”

To play you will need a wooden stick or chalk. An adult draws a circle with a diameter of 4-4.5 m on the site. Two children are selected from among the players to be fishermen. They join hands to form a fishing net. The rest of the participants are fish. They swim in the lake - run inside the circle. The fish cannot run outside the circle.
At the command of the leader, the fishermen run into the lake, trying to catch fish, running in pairs without releasing their hands. The caught fish stand between the fishermen. Thus, with each participant caught, the network expands, and the fish become fewer and fewer. When the net becomes large enough, the fishermen have the opportunity to surround the fish. If the fishermen hold hands to form a circle, then the fish inside the circle are considered caught.
Fish can escape from the net if one of the fishermen (they are always at the edges of the net) releases the hand of the player next to him while moving. The fisherman must take the hand of a player who has not yet unhooked from the net as quickly as possible. The game continues until the fishermen catch all the fish. The winner is the player caught last.
At the end of the game, the extreme participants in the network join hands, and the children begin to dance in a circle, singing any funny song.
Witch: That’s how fast and dexterous your kids in kindergarten are. Do you know how to solve riddles?

He is green, bouncy,
Completely non-prickly
It chirps in the meadow all day long,
He wants to surprise us with a song.

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he took off and flew away

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it,
He is in the garden or in the forest
Will sway on the weight.

Red beads hanging
They're looking at us from the bushes,
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.

Like blood, red.
Like honey, delicious.
Like a ball, round,
It went into my mouth.

Sometimes purple, sometimes blue,
He met you at the edge of the forest.
They gave him a very sonorous name,
But he can hardly just ring.
(bell flower)

There was a green dress - satin,
No, I didn’t like it, I chose red,
But I'm tired of this too
I wore a blue dress.

1. It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan. (Butterfly)
2. She is not a net or a net,
He catches a fish on a hook. (fishing rod)
Witch: Oh, you killed me! I'm tired! I’d better get ready for vacation! Will you help me? Do you know what you should take with you on vacation?
The children answer.
Witch: Well, that's it, I'm ready to rest. I just felt cold for some reason.
Summer: Is it because our sun has disappeared somewhere? Haven't you seen him?
Witch: Okay, I admit, I hid it, it made me feel so hot.
Educator: Well then, return our sunshine to its place.
Witch: Well, I'll return it only if you play a game with me.
The game is played: “Find the candy wrapper.”
Witch: Let's dance with you.
Summer: Certainly. We invite you to dance with us the fun dance “Lavata”
Witch: Thank you friends for a fun holiday. Here's your sunshine. (Gives back the sun). Leaves.
Summer: Guys, it’s very sad to leave, but I also need to say goodbye to you until next year. I would like to treat you to delicious summer berries.
Children thank summer. They leave for the group.

According to cognitive development

Planning educational work

Adamenko Veronika Vladimirovna, teacher of the Children's Educational Institution
Children's school No. 17 "Pearl" Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Subject: “Meeting after the summer. It's good in our garden. Day of Knowledge".

Program content: Develop cognitive interest in school and books; to form motivation for learning at school. To consolidate knowledge about school, about why you need to study, who teaches what at school, about school supplies. To form positive ideas about the teacher’s profession and the student’s “profession”. Continue to talk about the social significance of the kindergarten and the work of its employees; remind once again about the rights and responsibilities of children.

Expected Result:

  • Creating an atmosphere of joy, creating a positive state for all participants in the educational process.
  • Creating psychological motivation for children's readiness for school.
  • Ensuring meaningful and technological integration of the activities of children, all preschool specialists and parents.
  • Development of children's abilities in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities

Final event: musical leisure “Goodbye summer! Hello, kindergarten"

Date of the final event: Friday - 01.09.2014

Responsible for the final event: teachers, music director.

Celebration of growing up - meeting after summer holidays for children 5-8 years old


Lying Bully

Clown Smeshinkin

(Performed by adults).

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children of the senior, preparatory groups enter the hall and take seats around the perimeter.


Hello guys! I am very glad to see you in our hall again. How you have all grown, prettier, tanned! Did you have a good summer rest? (Children's answer). I'm very happy for you. I look, and we have new guys.

I hope you all become friends. And today we have a fun holiday with you

Celebration of growing up. We will sing, play, dance, and check how much older, smarter, and resourceful you have become. And I suggest starting the holiday with a song about a summer forest.

Sounds "Forest Song", poems by T. Kaganova, music by V. Viblin. The Lying Bully enters the hall backwards, rubbing his palms. He speaks in a sarcastic voice.


Well, I successfully did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Now let them drink some salty compote! Ha ha ha!

He turns and sees a room full of children.


Yeah! This is where I need it!


Where does this “here” go?


Where, where... Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.


Who are you?


Doctor-Ruffnut. You can just

Liar-Bully. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?


Not just any kind, but a celebration of growing up. We came to have fun, to see each other how big we have become.


Are these short little kids big?! Oh, they made me laugh! (Laughs). I just want to give them a pacifier to suck. (Gives the children a pacifier.)


Wait, wait, Lying Bully, to find out whether our guys have really matured, we need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.


Check it out, right? Please! (Takes out the ball). Here's the ball. Whoever doesn’t catch him hasn’t grown up, but remains a short child.

He starts randomly, deceiving the children, throwing the ball to them.


Oh no! This will not work! If you're going to play, then for real.


How is this for real?


This means

According to the rules. Look, we'll show you the game "Jackdaws-Crows". If you want, we will teach you too.


Well, we'll see who will teach whom. Well, I don’t know such a game or something.

The game "Jackdaws and Crows" is being played. When the children have played once, the Bully Liar will want to join the game. But she plays incorrectly, the presenter asks her to sit and see how to play.


Guys, I know who I need to introduce Vraka-Ruffnut to so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh loudly and heartily.

Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. The bully liar hides to the side and covers his ears. Clown Smeshinkin enters to the sound of cheerful music (possibly with soap bubbles).

Children surround him, catching bubbles.


Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really, guys?


Are you having a holiday or fun? How I love all this!


Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met together today after our summer holiday and decided to have fun and see how big we have become.


Yes, big ones, of course! Shorty kids!


Ah, Lying Bully, are you already here and being mischievous again?


Can you imagine, Smeshinkin, the Vraka-Bully claims that our boys and girls haven’t grown at all over the summer and don’t know how to do anything.


And what they knew how to do, they all forgot over the summer! (Laughs sarcastically).


But I think quite the opposite. The guys didn’t waste any time this summer. For example, do you know, Lying Bully, what you need to do in the morning?


Of course I know! They still ask. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.


But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

Game-dance "What I do in the morning." The bully liar repeats everything after the children.


And how many impressions the guys had after their summer holiday! Many of them traveled, were at the sea, swam in rivers, walked in the forest, sunbathed on the beach, and were in the village. Wherever our guys are, they all talk about how nice it is in the summer, how beautiful it is around at this time of year.

And this is what our song is about.

"Forest Song", poems by S. Ostrovoy, music by I. Melnik.


Everything about you is beautiful and wonderful. But I still have assistants among you. They are so mischievous. Well, come on, come here, my dear little liars.

The guys come out to read a poem.


How? Can't be! There's some kind of misunderstanding here!


Don't worry, Smeshinkin! Of course it's a misunderstanding. Listen first.

Poem "Liars" by M. Karim.


Eh, you! You didn't turn out to be my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (Crying).


And you still ask?! Just look at yourself: is it possible to find friends with such a harmful face, on which there is never a smile?


But Smeshinkin is right. Other people are only drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Listen to what a kind, good song our guys will sing for you.

Maybe this song will light up a spark of warmth and kindness in you, Vraka-Zabiya.

Song "Horse", poetry by N. Frenkel, music by A. Lapin.

Lying Bully (claps his hands).

What a wonderful song! I've never heard this before!


Friends, a miracle happened! The bully liar told the truth for the first time! This is what the power of music means!


How? This can't be true! What's wrong with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whines).


With us you will become good, kind and cheerful. We will give you a new name. Want?

Liar-Bully (embarrassed).

Well, I don’t know... Will I be able to?..


You can do it, you can! And the guys and I will help you.


Guys, let's come up with a new good name for the Bully Bully. (Consults with children). Right! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name Veselushka-Laughter.

We think you'll like it.


But from now on you must do only good deeds and always smile. Agree?


How to do these good deeds? I don't know.


Here's one of them to start with. I picked up different flowers along the way. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are some flowers for you, and these

To me. Now we will take turns asking the kids summer riddles. Agreed?


I will try.

Not a bird, but with wings,

Not a bee, but flying over the flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates rose

There is beauty all over the world.

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The Seven Color Bridge is cool."

A cloud hid the light of the sun,

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

On the path

From the grass

On a blade of grass

The spring jumps

Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass

In a red shirt.

Whoever passes

Everyone gives a bow. (Strawberry).

A cap and a leg

That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters standing in the field:

Dresses are whitewashed, hats are green. (Birches).

Smeshinkin. Well done boys! And you said (addressing the Bully Liar) that our children have not matured at all.

How could kids solve such difficult riddles?


Now I really see that the guys have grown up and become wiser. Do you know why? Because I’m slowly turning into a Merry Laugher.

I want to cheer you all up and invite you to the “Mosquito” dance.

Dance "Mosquito".


Well, Veselushka-Laughter, did you like our holiday?


Still would! After all, I have become completely different!


And our guys helped you with this.


I want to thank them for this. I'll treat them with fly agaric!


Here's to you! You go again? Can you eat fly agarics?


Have you forgotten? I was re-educated, I became good. And this fly agaric is not simple, but sweet, sweet!

Lying Bully and Smeshinkin bring in a large fly agaric with candy inside. Distributed to children.


Guys, let's say thank you to our cheerful guests for the treat.


And it’s time for me and Veselushka-Laughter to go to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your cheerful, friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Smeshinkin and Vraka-Zabiyaka.

They leave to cheerful music.


Our holiday has come to an end. But we will meet more than once in this hall, because we will have many fun holidays, performances and entertainment.

The children leave the hall to cheerful music.

The entertainment scenario “Meeting of cheerful friends!” will create an atmosphere of celebration and good mood after the children’s summer holiday.



Entertainment scenario “A cheerful meeting of our friends”

for older and preparatory children

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children from senior preparatory groups enter the hall and stand in a circle, the leader in the center.

Leading: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you in our hall. Today is a wonderful holiday! The kindergarten opened its doors after the long summer holidays. And how the kids have changed after the summer! How big you have become, adults. And we start our holiday with a welcome game called"We all came together"

Summer gave us a lot of warmth and fruits. Many of you went on vacation to the sea, to different cities, just sunbathed on the river and relaxed in the country. Did you enjoy your summer holiday? And now we will find out who has become smarter and more resourceful, attentive and diligent - boys or girls. Now I will ask you questions, and you listen to them carefully. I will ask a question, and you should think about who to answer, girls or boys? Get ready.

Princesses from a book

Do you dream of becoming?


Watch the fight on the sidelines

Will they never? (boys)


Are they just painting? (girls)

Lesha, Kolya, Sevochka

They call it? (boys)

They love sports, cars, racing

Are they real? (boys)

Seeing a little gray mouse,

Will they scream in fear? (girls)

Tears shed without a break

Are many capable? (girls)

Load crushed stone into a dump truck

Can they easily? (boys)

Birdhouse - a home for chicks

Is it easy to put together? (boys)

In summer sundresses

Leading: Do they just walk? (girls)

Well done! Now sit down quietly. Guys, tell me, what holiday is celebrated on September 1? (answers) Correct.

On the first autumn day - September 1st - all the children who have already turned 7 years old have a big holiday. On September 1st, all schoolchildren will go to school. I suggest listening to poems about September 1

1 child:

First of September -

First day of the calendar

Because on this day

All the girls and boys

Towns and villages

We took our bags, we took our books,

Took breakfast under our armpits

And we rushed for the first time

For the first time, in first grade!

2nd child:

For one simple reason

We will recognize this day!

For children going to school

Cities and villages.

And even if there are many glorious ones,

Different days in the calendar,

But one of the most important -

The very first one in September!

3rd child:

What is school?

This is where people rush

In the morning all the children.

What a strange question

If you are already grown up?

If seven, then just right

Get ready for first grade!

Leading: Older children go to school, but where do little children go? (answers)
Right to kindergarten!
Kindergarten, kindergarten,…
Why do they say this?
4 child: Because it’s friendly
We are growing up as one family.
Because they say:
There is a kindergarten in this house!

Presenter: What is a kindergarten?
There are a lot of guys here.
While moms are at work,
They live happily:
And they walk and play,
And they dance and sing.
Together we will sing the song “About Kindergarten”

Presenter: Guys, let's have a celebration of growing up in our garden. You have also grown by 1 year. Therefore, we will sing, play, dance, and check how much older, smarter, and resourceful you have become.

Presenter : And now let’s ask those who love jokes, games, laughter to shout loudly - “I!”
A fun shouting game

Who loves games?
Who loves cartoons?
Chewing gum?
Cake? Ice cream?
Chocolate? Marmalade?
Who loves sunbathing?
Sing and dance?
Laugh, laugh?
Smile, Sasha, Masha, Kolya, Vanya and Natasha.
From every corner let it be heard: HA-HA!

While the children are playing, Ruffnut carefully enters the hall, rubbing his palms, and speaks in a malicious voice..

Bully: Well, I successfully did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Now let them drink some salty compote! Ha ha ha!

He turns and sees a room full of children.

Bully : Yeah! This is where I need it!
Presenter Me: Where is this “here”?
Bully: Where, where... Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them: harmful girls and nasty liar boys. I know a lot of them in this kindergarten. (looks through binoculars)
me: Who are you?
Bully: I am Bully. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?
Presenter: Not just any kind, but a holiday of growing up and the Day of Knowledge. We came to have fun, to see how big we have become.
Bully: Are these these? Are the kids big and short?! Oh, they made me laugh! ( laughs.) I just want to give you a pacifier, like little ones. How big are you? (offers the children a pacifier.)
Wait, wait, Ruffnut. To find out whether our children have really matured, we need to test them in games, dances, and songs.
Bully: Check it out, right? Please! (takes out the ball.) Here is the ball. Whoever doesn’t catch him hasn’t grown up, but remains a short child.
He starts randomly, deceiving the children, throwing the ball to them.

Presenter: No no! This will not work! If you play, then for real.
Ruffnut: How is this for real? Leading: This means according to the rules. Look, we'll show you the game" Merry steps "Do you want us to teach you?
Bully: Well, we'll see who will teach whom. Well, I don’t know such a game or something.

The game is being played. When the children have played once, Ruffnut will want to join the game. But he plays incorrectly, the presenter asks to see how to play, but Ruffnut argues with the presenter.

Leading: Guys, I know who I need to introduce Ruffnut to so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh loudly and heartily. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. The bully hides to the side. Covers his ears. Clown Smeshinkin enters to the sound of cheerful music (possibly with soap bubbles). Children surround him, catching bubbles.

Smeshinkin: Here I am. I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really, guys?
Children: Yes!
Smeshinkin: U Are you celebrating, having fun? How I love all this!
Presenter: Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met together today after our summer holiday and decided to have fun and see how big we have become.
Bully: Yes, big ones, of course! Shorty kids!
Smeshinkin: Ah, Bully, are you already here and being mischievous again?
Presenter: Just imagine, Smeshinkin, Ruffnut claims that our boys and girls haven’t grown at all over the summer and don’t know how to do anything.
Ruffnut: And what they knew how to do, they all forgot over the summer!(Laughs maliciously.)
From meshkin: But I think quite the opposite. The guys didn’t waste any time this summer. For example, do you know, Ruffnut, what you need to do in the morning?
Bully: Of course I know! They still ask. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.
Smeshinkin: But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

Game-dance "What do I do in the morning." Rakka repeats everything after the children.

Leading: And how many impressions the guys had after their summer holiday! Many of them traveled, went to the sea, swam in rivers, walked through the forest, sunbathed on the beach.

Smeshinkin: Ruffnut, do you want me to tell you what I saw when did you vacation in the summer?


Ruffnut: I want to.

I saw how in the sun

We sat with our paws dangling

Three little ducklings


And they ate chocolates.

Just think, what a miracle!

I saw it on the moon

Like camel ants


They rode on their backs.

And I saw in the sky

Three small sausages

Jam from pebbles


They cooked in a bowl.

And I... On a little white cloud

I saw mice swimming,

Screaming that you are bums

Bully And terrible liars.

Presenter : I'm completely, completely alone, no one plays with me. I sat alone all summer and didn’t see anything. So sad!!

: Ruffnut, do you like your name? I don't think you'll be happy with a name like that?

Presenter : We need to come up with a good name for you.

Smeshinkin: I'll help, you just need to think about it. Guys, you tell us, and we will choose. (Children suggest)

Presenter: In the meantime, our friends are thinking, we will sing a funny song.

Song of your choice

Smeshinkin : We chose the name - Veselushka-Laughter. But from now on you must do only good deeds and always smile. Agree?
Bully: How to do these good deeds? I don't know.
Smeshinkin: Here's one of them to start with. I picked up different flowers along the way. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are the flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns asking the kids summer riddles. Agreed?
Ruffnut: I'll try


Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but flying over the flowers.

Alenka grows in the grass,
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes
Everyone gives a bow.(Strawberry)

If they beat him, he doesn’t cry,
It's just more fun when he jumps. ( Ball )

round legs,
Running along the road:
One leg, two legs, three legs,
There are horns ahead. ( Bike )

Tick-tweet! Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy! Who is this?(Sparrow)

Every day at six in the morning
I'm shouting: it's time to get up!(Alarm)

Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out.
- Foams with white foam,
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.(Soap)

Bully: Now I really see that the guys have grown up and become wiser. Do you know why? Because I’m slowly turning into a Merry Laugher. I want to make you all happy and invite you to a fun dance. (optionally)

Dance by choice

Smeshinkin: Well, Veselushka, did you like our holiday?
Bully: Still would! After all, I have become completely different!
Leading: And our guys helped you with this,

Bully: I want to thank them for this. Let me treat them with some treats.Zabiyaka and Smeshinkin treat children with candy

Leading: Guys, let's say thank you to our cheerful guests for the treat.
children thank and say goodbye to the heroes)

Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end. But we will meet again in this hall, because we will have a lot of fun holidays and entertainment.

Children leave the hall to cheerful music