Entertainment according to traffic rules. Entertainment scenario according to traffic rules “The Journey of a Kolobok!” Sports entertainment for older children

Scenario “Friendship with road signs” for older children

The progress of the holiday

There are various signs, traffic lights, and cars in the hall. Children “enter” the hall with Starokadomsky’s song “We are going, going, going to distant lands.” There is a child driver in front with the steering wheel.

Leading(wearing a policeman's cap).

Boys and girls, we have gathered today

In the gym to repeat and strengthen

Traffic Laws.

So that in future, when crossing the road,

You didn't feel upset

Road signs visit us

They will come without delay!

Children need to know all these signs

And the rules of the road

Follow strictly.

Remember everything in the world:

The main pedestrians on the roads are children.


We run across the road

We notice all the cars

Traffic light with green eye

We are flashing merrily,

We're walking across the road

With a joyful song.

The song “School of Pedestrians” is playing.


So come on guys

We'll invite the signs to visit

And pleasant acquaintance

Let's hang out with them.

The “signs” come out to cheerful music.

Child(road sign).

One, two - left,

They're walking along the pavement!

One, two - left,

Build road signs!

One, two - left,

Where to go, where to go?

One, two - left,

We'll tell you along the way!

Child(road sign STOP).

One, two - left,

I warn you of trouble,

One, two - left,

I prohibit movement!

The Traffic Light enters to the accompaniment of solemn music.


And this sign is famous,

It is very interesting for the guys.

Among all the signs from a long time ago

Children know...


Traffic light.

Yes, I've been standing at the crossroads for a long time -

I am a well-known traffic light!

I protect you from dangers,

I warn you in advance:

The red light came on -

Everyone knows there is no move!

Let us agree with you this way:

Yellow - let's get ready,

And the green one says:

“The path is open, completely open!”


And now, baby,

Let's play with traffic lights, friends.

The traffic light helps

Traffic controller,

To avoid accidents

On the roadway.

Game "Traffic Light", music by Chichkov and Bogoslovsky.

The ambulance signal sounds.


Children, pay attention, look here,

Something happened, trouble, trouble!

Staging of the fragment “Bunny” from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” by Chukovsky.

The Hare comes out with a stuffed hare.

hare(bitterly, with pity).

My bunny got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy,

Got hit by a tram.

He ran along the path

And his legs were cut,

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny.


Children, who will help the bunny?

And can he cure the bunny?!


Good Doctor Aibolit!

He sits here among us!


No problem. Serve it here!

I'll sew him new legs,

And he will run along the path again.

You need to obey without arguing,

Traffic light instructions!

Need traffic rules

Do it without delay!

This tells you all

Good Doctor Aibolit.

Leading. Guys, this is what can happen if you don’t follow the traffic rules.

Well, now, all the signs,

Get together in a row

And all the traffic rules

Tell me for the guys.

Sign(“Playing on the road is dangerous”).

Whatever happens, my friend,

You have misfortunes

Don't you ever play

On the roadway.

This is a rule to remember

It is necessary:

On the road, on the road

Always be careful!

Sign("Underground crossing").

What is this? Oh oh oh!

The transition is underground here!

So go forward boldly

You are cowardly in vain.

Know! Underground crossing -

The safest!

Sign(“Food station”).

Well, what if you are very hungry?

I caught you on the way

You definitely, my friend,

Find me immediately!

Sign(“Before school transition”).

I am a good friend to the children,

I protect their lives.

Nearby school, kindergarten -

I warn you about this.


A pedestrian! Decided the way

Safely cross -

I will help you with this,

Hurry up to find me.


I decided to cross the road

And there was a red light on the way.

Then hurry to the island,

This is a safe place.

You'll wait there on the island,

When the cars pass by

Then you will cross the roads

Second half.

Shows a traffic island.

And now without delay

The movement begins.

Game “Safety Island” (the safety island is made of string).

Children walk along the road - at the signal to take the island.

Sign(rides out on a bicycle).

Do you love bicycles?

Do you know the joys of victory?

You rush fast with the wind,

Don't you know me?

There are only cars driving here,

Tires are flashing everywhere,

Do you have a bicycle?

Can I go or not?


And now a new game

Let's play, kids.

Who will go faster

On the road by bike?

Game (two people on children's bicycles).

The traffic light comes out again.

Traffic light.

Know the traffic rules

Execute them clearly and correctly.


There are so many difficulties on the roads, no doubt.

But we have no reason to be afraid of them,

Because traffic rules

Available for pedestrians and cars.

And so that everyone is in a good mood,

Follow the traffic rules, people!


Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten “Solnyshko” p. Terbuny

Terbunsky municipal district of Lipetsk region

Teachers: L.N. Parakhina

HE. Karavaeva


Target: Consolidating knowledge about traffic rules, developing physical qualities: agility, speed, endurance.


  • Expand children's understanding of traffic rules and develop safe behavior skills on the road.
  • Develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name road signs. Know and distinguish between roadways and pedestrian zones.
  • Improve motor skills, the ability to act on a signal.
  • Cultivate friendships between children and the ability to perform team actions.
  • Arouse positive emotions from the sports festival.

Material and technical resources:

Benches, hoops, traffic lights, gymnastic sticks, road signs, landmarks, colored cardboard circles, a painted car.

Progress of entertainment:

(Children go out to the music)

1 Teacher:

The city is full of pedestrians

on any day and any hour

we go to kindergarten and school

let's go home

the road teaches us how to walk

and she won't let you down

let everyone receive a title

exemplary pedestrian.

2 Teacher:

Good afternoon, dear children, today we invite you to go for a walk through the country of Road Signs, the inhabitants of which always and everywhere follow the rules of the road.

There is a road country on our planet.

All its inhabitants: both adults and children -

You must know the laws of your country,

Respect them and strictly adhere to them.

Do you want to visit this country?

Children: Yes!

1 Teacher: But everyone who goes to this country must know the laws and rules adopted in this state, be attentive and collected. Are you exactly like that?

Children: Yes!

2 Teacher:

Let's check? I will ask questions, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

Say what you want.

Is there sweet water in the sea? (No)

Red light - no way? (Yes)

If you are in a hurry,

Are you running across the street? (No)

We are always moving forward

Only where the transition is? (Yes)

We're running forward so fast

Why can't we see a traffic light? (No).

Traffic light red

Means: “No move?” (Yes).

1 Teacher:

Well done, you are attentive and smart. You can hit the road.

Guys, what kind of transport do you know: .... (children's answers)

And we will eat on this transport:

Various houses are running along the street,

Girls and boys

The houses are being transported. (Bus)

2 Teacher:

I suggest taking a ride on our unusual bus.

Relay "Bus"

(Two benches for each team, at the signal the children scatter around the hall at the command “Landing!!!” the teams sit on the benches, the captain takes the hoop)

1 Teacher:

So, you and I have arrived in the “Land of Road Signs”.

And the main inspector in this country is Traffic Light.

(Baba Yaga enters and greets the children)

2 Educator: Who are you?

Baba Yaga: Didn't you recognize me? Guys, what's my name? (Children's answers). Imagine, I quickly ran across the road in front of ten cars. Ugh, I'm so tired!

2 Teacher: You have grossly violated traffic rules.

Baba Yaga: Another thing, I don’t know any rules, and I don’t want to know: wherever I want, I go, and wherever I want, I go. They also came to visit and give orders.

2 Teacher:

How do you like grandma, don't be ashamed! An accident may occur because of you. Don't you know that you can cross the road at an intersection, where there is a traffic light. And so that you understand better, look and listen to our children.

1 child:

Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk around like that.

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance.

Has its own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

2nd child:

Road rules

There are many in the world

Everyone would like to learn them

It didn't bother us.

But the main rules of the movement

Know how multiplication tables should be done.

Song "What is traffic rules"

What is traffic rules - 2p
We all know this from childhood
This is a set of road rules
We know everything about them now.
This is what it means, this is what traffic rules mean

Who monitors traffic rules?
And he follows traffic rules
Traffic police officer
He will punish - whoever breaks
He will tell you if necessary
The traffic police officer will help everyone

Why do we need traffic rules - 2p
Everyone knows this clearly
So that there is order on the road
Observed strictly by everyone
Must study and know all traffic rules!!!

In chorus: So that there is no anxiety,
Trouble did not suddenly happen.
Discipline on the road
Always comply.

(Baba Yaga approaches the traffic light and examines it)

Baba Yaga: hey, why are you standing here, winking at me.

3rd child:

A traffic light is a pedestrian's friend

he is standing at the crossing

he gives signals

wait or go ahead

traffic light, traffic light is ours

assistant for a long time.

1 Teacher: next relay

"Assemble a traffic light"

(On command, the first child runs to the table, jumping from hoop to hoop on the way, and puts down one of the traffic light parts, the next one continues, etc.)

1 Teacher: Look, grandma, how many traffic lights the children have built. Watch and remember!

2 Teacher: And also, Baba Yaga, you can cross the road where there is a pedestrian crossing or a zebra crossing.

Baba Yaga: Should I take a zebra with me, put it on the road and walk along it?

2 Teacher: What are you saying, grandma, the guys will now build a pedestrian crossing for you.

Zebra relay

(On the side of each team there are gymnastic sticks, opposite sheets of white paper. Each team member runs to the white sheet and puts gymnastic sticks on it).

(Baba Yaga walks along a pedestrian crossing, a car drives past and stops in front of the crossing)

Baba Yaga: oh, how good it is - the main thing is that you don’t have to run anywhere, everyone will let you through!

1 Teacher: You see, grandma, how useful it is to know and follow all the rules.

Baba Yaga: Now I'll check if you're breaking the rules. Do you like to ride a bike? I will stand next to this three-eyed man and see how you follow all his instructions.

Relay race “Traffic signals”

(teams, at the teacher’s signal, ride motorcycles to the chip and follow traffic light signals: at a red light - stop)

Baba Yaga: oh, well done guys and they really do everything. Guys, I liked studying your rules. So tell me, please (oh, what words I know, I’m surprised myself!), what is this?(shows road signs).

Children: road signs!

Baba Yaga: why are they different colors?

1 Teacher:

He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how
On your way...
(Road sign)

The signs are different. They can allow, prohibit and warn. Signs that have a triangular shape, a white background and a red border warn of approaching dangerous places are called warning signs.

Signs that are blue and round in shape are called permitting.

Relay "Road Signs"

(there are road signs on the table, one team collects permission signs, and the second team collects warning signs)

2 teacher:

Relay race. "Make a sign" from parts

(For each team there are two envelopes with signs. You need to quickly and correctly fold the sign cut into pieces).

1 teacher:

If you're in a hurry on your way
Walk across the street
Go there, where all the people are,
Where the sign is (Transition)

2 teacher:

This is a very important sign
It hangs for a reason.
Be careful, driver!
Nearby is a kindergarten and a schoolyard. (children)

1 teacher:

In rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

“You are not allowed to go! (No Pedestrians)

On my birthday I was given
Speed ​​bike
Taught, explained
Drive where there is no sign. (cycling is prohibited)

2 teacher:

Intersection sign
With a bike path.
Add attention
At least a little. (Bike Lane)

1 Teacher: Well done guys, you did a great job with all the tasks. And Baba Yaga, our guys will sing for you ditties about traffic rules.

1 child:

To cross the road,

We must know the rules

Traffic rules

Everything, without exception.

2nd child:

Vitya, a mischievous boy,

He ran along the pavement.

He overtook the car

Yes, I had an accident.

3rd child:

Don't play on the road

Take care of your hands and feet.

We need to play in the yard.

We ask you not to forget!

4th child:

A traffic light will help children

Cross the road.

If the light is red -

5th child:

Traffic rules

We'll know by heart.

Traffic rules

We will definitely do it!

Baba Yaga: Thank you guys! Now I will know the road signs. After such lessons, I will cross the road correctly, quickly get to my house and tell the forest residents about the rules of the road, just in case they accidentally end up in the city.

2 teacher:

We ask you earnestly,
Pedestrians be careful.
Follow the rules of walking
And traffic.

Entertainment according to traffic rules in the senior group according to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard “To the Land of Road Signs”

Leading educational area:"Safety"
Target: create conditions for consolidating knowledge of traffic rules and road signs, preventing children's road injuries.
To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge and ideas about city streets, traffic rules and road signs. Learn to answer questions fully and thoroughly.
Develop the ability to independently compose stories on a given topic. Continue to teach children to compare, make generalizations, reason, ask questions, and activate children’s vocabulary on this topic.
Educational: To cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, goodwill, a sense of mutual assistance, a desire to help.
Types of children's activities: gaming, productive, musical and artistic.
Forms of organization: frontal, individual, group, work in pairs.
Form of implementation: use of manuals, musical accompaniment, demonstration of illustrative aids; searching and problematic questions for children, encouragement, explanation, leading to a conclusion; creation of play motivation, surprise moment, games, children's active activities, comparison, comparison.
Equipment: Road signs, pedestrian paths, cardboard traffic lights, 2 benches, 2 tunnels, green, yellow, red circles according to the number of all children, 2 scooters

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall. There is a message letter on the table
Presenter: This is someone's message!
Presenter: Look, look, there’s something on it, it’s written...
Presenter: So quickly read what is written there.
The presenter reads the message.
Presenter:“We, residents and guests of the Country of road rules and traffic signs, are in great trouble. All our road signs have disappeared somewhere and the traffic light has been lost, so accidents and chaos often occur. Help and save us!”
Presenter: Residents of some Country are asking for help... And who will go to save them and help them? Children, can you save the residents and help them? Guys, do you know road signs and traffic rules? Ready to hit the road?
Children's answers
Presenter: The path there is difficult, there are no signs and no one knows the way there. Have you changed your mind about helping?
Children's answers
Presenter: Where should we go?
Presenter: Look, kids, here are cut-out pictures. Very similar to road signs. Let's divide into two teams and try to collect them and guess what kind of pictures they are?
Children's answers
Children collect signs to the music.
Presenter: Children, what are the names of the signs you collected?
Children's answers
Presenter: They were probably brought by the wind from the Land of Rules and Road Signs. Let's take them with us, they will be useful to us!
Buratino rides into the hall on a scooter.
Presenter: Children, look Pinocchio riding along the roadway.
Presenter: Hello Pinocchio!
Pinocchio: Hello, hello!
Presenter: Pinocchio, not hello, but hello!
Pinocchio: Well, okay, hello!
Presenter: Pinocchio, please tell me, do you follow the traffic rules when riding a scooter?
Pinocchio: Yes, what are the rules, I go as I want. I want to go there, I want to go here. And I can still, I still...
Dunno rides into the hall on a scooter.
Pinocchio: And here is my friend Dunno.
Dunno: Hello!
Children say hello.
Pinocchio: I also, yesterday we were riding bicycles along the roadway, got caught in a car...
Dunno: And we rode with the breeze. It was very cool. You kids ride and have fun, too?
Children's answers
Presenter: What a nightmare... Even when riding a scooter, bicycle or walking, you must follow the traffic rules.
Presenter: Children, let's tell you what traffic rules must be followed when riding a scooter, bicycle, or walking.
Children's answers
Presenter: Pinocchio and Dunno, now do you understand that you did the wrong thing?
Answers of Pinocchio and Dunno
Pinocchio: Let's ride scooters with us. Let's split into two teams: my team and Dunno's team.
Scooter relay
Dunno: What great fellows you are, strong, fast, dexterous.
Pinocchio: And you know the rules of the road. Where are you all going?
Presenter: We are going to help the residents of the Country of rules and road signs, they sent us a message.
Pinocchio and Dunno: And you and I want to.
Presenter: Okay, shall we take them with us?
Children's answers
Presenter: Let's move on, Look, there is some kind of envelope... and there is a task in it

1.How many signals does a traffic light have? (three)
2. Is it possible to start crossing the street when the signal is yellow? (No)
3. Where should pedestrians walk? (on the sidewalk)
4. Where should cars go? (along the roadway)
5. Where can you ride bicycles? (only on special tracks)
6. Where do people wait for passenger transport? (At the stop)

Dunno: What smart children you are. And where did you learn everything?

Children's answers
Pinocchio: Look, there are some circles scattered here, and they remind me of something….
Presenter: Children, what do these circles look like?
Children's answers
Here a crying friend appears, Traffic Light
Presenter: Hello, Traffic Light! Why are you crying?
Friend Traffic Light: I lost my lights, and what kind of traffic light am I without my lights? And we constantly have accidents: there are no lights at the traffic lights, road signs have flown away...
Presenter: We found a message. And we set off on a journey to help your residents.
Pinocchio: Don't worry, Friend Traffic Light! Of course, we will help you instantly. Really, kids?

Children's answers

Presenter: Now the children and I will try to collect the mugs.
Children collect three circles of different colors to the music.
Presenter: So we collected them.
Friend Traffic Light continues to cry.
Friend Traffic Light: Collect them, then you collected them, but how should they be located?
Presenter: Now we will arrange them correctly.
Children arrange circles like at a traffic light.
Presenter: We also found your road signs. Here they are.
Gives signs to Friend Traffic Light
Friend Traffic Light: Thank you very much! But I forgot what they are for and what these three colors mean...
Presenter: We will now remind you...
Presenter: Let's children remind Pinocchio and Dunno how to cross the road.
Children say the rules.

Presenter: What types of transitions do you know? (Ground, aboveground, underground)

Game “Types of Transitions”. You need to walk along the zebra crossing to the bench (overground passage), walk along the bench (overground passage), climb into the tunnel (underground passage) and run back, passing the baton to the next one. There are corresponding signs before each crossing.

Friend Traffic Light: Thank you very much, you helped me and my residents a lot, I remembered everything!
Pinocchio: And we are very grateful to you guys for teaching us the rules of the road!
Dunno: We will remain in this wonderful Country of road rules and signs!

Traffic light: Stay!
Presenter: It’s time for us to say goodbye and return to kindergarten. Goodbye!

Holidays according to traffic rules are compiled in accordance with the program requirements of the preschool institution and age characteristics. Practice shows that classes and entertainment on the rules of the road, which reinforce this knowledge, make an invaluable contribution to the development of a well-rounded personality, a responsible citizen, and an attentive pedestrian.

Scenarios for holidays and entertainment according to traffic rules

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Traffic regulations, road signs. Quizzes, intellectual competitions
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 4439.
All sections | Traffic regulations, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment

In MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 a leisure event was held for children of senior preschool age " Traffic light" according to the rules traffic. The guys watched a puppet show about the adventures of the naughty Kolobok; he did not follow the rules of behavior on the roadway. The guys taught...

Physical and educational leisure according to the traffic rules “City of Traffic” for children 4–7 years old Target: Continue to shape children’s understanding of rules traffic. Tasks: Consolidate knowledge about the rules road movement when crossing the street, safe behavior in public transport and on city streets; Develop attention, coordination of movements, memory;...

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Scenario for a puppet show based on traffic rules: “Friends’ Journey through the City Streets.” MBDOU "Bobrovsky kindergarten "Polyanka". Prepared and conducted by teacher: Morozova A.V. 2019 Program content: 1. To consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals. 2....

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« I highlight only one goal of education - readiness to survive" T.F. Akbasheva

In order to release a child into the world, the task of adults is partially to prepare for the difficulties that he will encounter. One of these important points will be correct behavior on the streets and roads of a populated area. The responsible role assigned to preschool educational institutions is to prevent child injuries on the road. For this purpose, preschool institutions conduct classes, targeted walks, and activities to familiarize themselves with traffic rules. The purpose of such classes is to systematically familiarize yourself with the rules of safe behavior on the roads and spatial orientation, which will reduce the number of accidents.

The purpose of conducting classes, leisure, entertainment and holidays to study and reinforce traffic rules is:

  • Development of intellectual abilities.
  • Formation of cultural behavior on the streets and roads of the city.
  • Development of psychophysiological qualities of children that will help ensure the safety of the roadway.
  • Formation of self-esteem, self-control, self-organization.

Entertainment according to traffic rules for children in the senior group “Zayaka - arrogant”

Tamurko Oksana Vasilievna
Place of work: teacher of MBDOU DSKV No. 41 "Pochemuchka", Yurga.

Entertainment according to traffic rules for children 5-6 years old “Bunny - arrogant”

Target: continue to teach children to observe and follow traffic rules.
Activate road-related words in children’s speech.
Clarify children's knowledge of traffic rules, rules of behavior on the street, road signs, traffic lights.
To improve the basic types of movements of preschoolers through outdoor games.
Develop communication skills, attention, concentration.

Preliminary work:
Getting to know road signs, traffic lights, learning poetry with children, excursions with children on the city streets.

Progress of entertainment:

Leading: Guys, we live in a beautiful city with green, wide streets and avenues. There are many cars and trucks moving along them, trams and buses. And no one bothers anyone.
This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians.
Guys, do you know where pedestrians walk?
Verbal game “Allowed and prohibited”:
- Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk...
- Cross the street at a red light...
- Give up your seat to elders on the bus...
- Play near the roadway...
- Respect traffic rules...

How does a traffic light help?
It shows when pedestrians or cars can cross the road, and when you need to stand and wait.
Is it possible to play on the roadway? That's right, you can't. So we want to tell you what happened one day to one Bunny - Arrogant.

There lived a little bunny in our city,
There was a very stupid Bunny - Arrogant:
You need to walk along the avenue a little -
Here lies a path in white steps,
The green arrow is on - transition.
What is the bunny doing at this time?
(a child appears - a bunny, runs hopping around the hall)
Bunny - Arrogant:
I don't need to know the rules.
I'm a rabbit with a head.
I'll gallop along the avenue,
I'm galloping along the pavement.
I'll tell you a secret:
(stops, presses finger to lips)
Clinging to the tram
Cross the road
When the cars are driving
I love passion, oh - oh!

And the little bunny ran in any weather,
Where there is no crossing on the street.
Jumped at the very nose of the cars,
Near the angrily inflated tires.
He did not want to listen to his elders.
And... a truck hit him!
A truck “pulls out” onto the road - a child collides with Bunny. The bunny falls. The truck leaves the scene of the accident.

Leading: Ay-ay! Trouble! We've had an accident! We urgently need to call an ambulance. He takes out his phone. “Hello! Ambulance? Come urgently. The truck hit Bunny. He lies on the road and moans.” Aibolit is coming now, be patient, Bunny.
An ambulance arrives (a child with a steering wheel, Aibolit with a suitcase holding on to his shoulder). The Bunny's paw immediately runs in, runs up to the Bunny, and falls to his knees:

Bunny's dad: Ay-oh! My Bunny, my boy! He got into trouble, and now he is sick and lame, my little Bunny!
Aibolit: I'll examine you. Where does it hurt?
Bunny - Arrogant: My leg hurts a-a-a!
Aibolit feels his leg and begins to bandage it:
Don't shout, be patient.
You didn't follow the traffic rules,
That’s why you, Zainka, got into trouble.
You need to obey without arguing
Traffic light instructions.
Need traffic rules
Carry out without delay
All is ready!
(“leaving” the ambulance)
You put the bunny
And take me to the hospital!
(The orderlies take the bunny by the hand and help him walk - jump on one leg)

Bunny's dad addresses Aibolit:
My bunny! My boy!
Will he be healthy soon?
Will he be able to get up soon?
Jump on a sore leg?

Aibolit: I'll put a cast on the Bunny's leg,
I'll put him in the hospital for a long time,

So that your Bunny gets better
And he quickly returned home.
The orderlies hold the arms of Bunny, Aibolit, Dad - they all stand together behind the child - the ambulance "and leave."

Leading: This is the story that happened to Bunny.
Guys, do you know the rules of the road well?
We'll check this now.
Does it start from the house, and end at the house? (road)
A striped horse, its name is zebra.
But not the one at the zoo - people still walk along it. (transition)
Such miracles, miracles! There are two wheels under me.
I spin them with my legs and swing them, swing them, swing them! (bike)
The house goes down the street, everyone is being taken to work,
Not on chicken legs, but in rubber boots. (bus)
Along the side of the road they stand like soldiers.
You and I do everything, everything they tell us. (signs)

Well done guys, you guessed everything correctly. What kind of road signs are there? Road signs are divided into groups:
Prohibition signs;
Warning signs;
Mandatory signs.
We will find out which signs belong to which group by solving riddles:

In rain or shine
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
"You are not allowed to go!"
(No Pedestrians)
This is a prohibition sign
There are children in the middle of the road,
We are always responsible for them.
So that their parent does not cry,
Be careful, driver!
(Careful children)
This is a warning sign
The following signs are called prescriptive.
There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass!
Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He doesn't decorate the city,
But it doesn’t interfere with cars!
(Underground pedestrian crossing)
There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is waiting patiently.
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger.
(Bus, trolleybus, tram and taxi stop)

Guys, the bunny completely forgot that from squares and intersections a menacing and serious-looking, very important traffic light is staring at us. He is both polite and strict, he is known throughout the world. He is the most important commander on the wide streets.

What traffic lights do you know? (red – prohibits movement, yellow – warns of a signal change, green – allows movement).
Is it possible to start crossing an intersection when the traffic light is yellow? (not possible, as yellow prohibits pedestrian movement).

Three children come out with “signals” on their chests: red, yellow, green: traffic light.

Traffic light:
Cross the road
We are always on the streets
And they will advise and help
Talking colors.

We are three eyes, we are three colors.
Everyone in the world knows this.
Everyone has understood it for a long time
Our colorful conversation:
Red color will tell you:
“No!” - restrained and stern
Yellow light gives advice.
don't rush, stay with me!
And the green light is on:
“Come on in,” he says.
You need to obey without arguing
Traffic light instructions.

Leading: But now I’ll check how you follow the traffic light instructions? Shall we play? (Yes.).
Taxi game.
Rules. To avoid an accident, only the driver gives a signal, and the passenger is silent. Do not crash, whoever violates leaves the game.
Need traffic rules
Carry out without objection.

Children become pairs. Each pair has a large hoop. One is at the front side of the rim, the other is at the back. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. When the teacher shows a green circle, they run around the playground (drive quickly), when a yellow circle, they walk (drive slowly), and when a red circle, they take their places (park). After some time, the children change roles.
Well done!

Leading: Yes, a traffic light is a pedestrian's friend,
He is standing at the crossing.
He gives signals:
Wait or go forward.

Leading: The traffic light has been our assistant for a long time! Guys! I'm so worried about our Bunny. How is he doing in the hospital? I'll go and call Aibolit and find out how Zaika - Arrogant - feels.

As soon as the leader leaves, the colors of the traffic light begin to quarrel among themselves:
Red, akimbo: And why am I listening and lighting up after yellow?
Yellow: And I obey the green one!
Green: And it seems to me that I am more important than everyone else - I allow everyone to ride and go!
Red: And I forbid everyone! If I want, I won’t go out, and all movement will freeze! (stomps his foot)
Yellow: Wow! I’ll start flashing and won’t stop!
(Starts blinking his eyes)
Leading: Oh oh! Trouble, trouble! Our traffic light has fallen out. It's all Quarrels - Slanders are to blame.
Quarrels - Slanders:
There is a traffic jam near the square,
The traffic light is broken
The yellow light came on
But there is still no green.
A hundred cars are standing, honking, and want to get moving.
Three, four, five minutes They are not given passage.
Why and why,
I don't understand anything:
Why is the bus stopped, Why is the tram stuck,
Why did the broad-headed dump truck get angry? The taxi's engine stalled. Why is there such a jam?

They step aside. An emergency appears.
Accident: I am very friendly with violators,
By the way, I’ll show you everything you want,
I walked a little, saw the world,
I have done a lot of troubles, troubles, troubles.
Guys! Which one of you is the bravest? Who isn't afraid of getting hitched to a car? How about skiing and skating? Who's with me? I will teach you to disturb everyone: both cars and pedestrians! Let the cars go where they want. Do you want to be friends with me? Well, it is not necessary!

The presenter enters: Well, I found out everything... Everything is fine with Bunny, he will soon be healthy and will be able to run and jump again.
Why are you so sad? What happened to you? I don’t understand... Not all at once. Explain clearly.
So?! Traffic light... Colors quarreled. Well, it doesn't matter. Let's reconcile them and say loudly:
Red! Yellow! Green! Respond and make friends soon!

Three traffic light colors scratch your foreheads: And what has come over us?
Leading: These are all Quarrels - Slanders and Accident are to blame, they quarreled you. I'll drive them away with a broom now.
(As if to threaten, wants to go for a broom)
Accident: But it’s more fun for me to run in front of the tram with a broom, twigs fly, everyone is annoyed!
Leading: Guys! I suggest you forgive them and teach them the rules of the road. Stay with us.
Quarrels - Slander and Accident sit on chairs.
Leading: Look who came to us? Yes, this is our Zaznayka Bunny, and with him Aibolit. Well, Zainka, will you still play and jump on the road?
Host: Guys! We also need to teach Bunny the rules of the road. Let's all remember together and answer all the questions:
1.How many signals does a traffic light have?
2.Is it possible to cross the street if the light is red?
3.What color of traffic light can you cross the road at?
4.Why can’t you wait for transport while standing on the edge of the sidewalk?
5. Why can’t you go onto the roadway because of a car, bush, tree or snowdrift?
6.Where and how should pedestrians walk on the street?
7.Where should pedestrians cross the road?
8.Now guess:
Explains to pedestrians
How to cross the road
He lights the signals
Helping them along the way
That's right, traffic light.
Leading: Bunny thanks you for the traffic rules, he brought you a poem by S. Mikhalkov, which he will now tell.
Bunny - Arrogant:
If the light turns red,
So it's dangerous to move.
Green light says:
“Come on, the way is open.”
Yellow light - warnings:
Wait for the signal of change.
Leading: Well done, Bunny. Now let's all play the game "Traffic Light" together. If I show you a red signal, you need to stand quietly, a yellow signal - jump on one leg, a green one - walk in place. (Do it two to three times)

Leading: Be careful on the street, children. Remember these rules firmly.
And always follow them strictly,
So that big trouble doesn't happen.
Leading: And to end our entertainment, let's all sing a song about a traffic light together.
Song "Traffic Light"
Leading: Well done boys. You all deserve little souvenirs.
We give traffic lights.